Wednesday, January 15, 2020

look inside china's sports camps

Living in Singapore, sports is seldom talked about in everyday life, some say because of culture, some say because of life.

For me, this is all rubbish, I saw this video long ago about training camps in china, this link shows china sports camps, a glimpse,

From young I like sports, as far as I can remember, most of the coaches were doing selection of a basis which is similar all around the world, your height, weight, even your parents height.

But they do not select the person who has the will to go all the way, never once I was selected for a team which has the means of coaching at a elite or even national level, because all the teams were run like a class, which does not work for sports.

I believe even today with no evidence, it still is the same. 

I can even remember once I was not selected because I had no skill, I would like to relate that instance to todays sports scene.

Is china a backward country, I think that it is a joke, china has always been better than Singapore, now and forever, in sports or even economy, the Singapore dollar is stronger or should I say is the china money more smelly.

Some people will just keeping saying, I think it is about time that they treat sports not just for the elites or some teams only, sports is for everyone, even if you are on a wheelchair or disabled.

Sometime I wonder is this country regressing, then when I take a step back I think, then I am awaken, it is the people who are unable to see or choose to not see. The people who are managing are not capable, incompetent and most importantly, fail to see beyond a person physical standards, which is only one point.

Many do not even have interest in sports, let alone do the sport, a good point in the video is, a good base, which is to let everyone do the sports, a good foundation, a good number, even for fun or simply to burn weight.

Everyone can join the team but not everyone can be an olympic gold medallist.

Infighting, bickering, a teacher once even said that having pride for the country is making a mockery. No wonder Singapore is going to fail in sports for a long time. 

True to void deck boy style, wayang to the max, anyway thanks to all the readers who still read this blog, see you in the next post.

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